


今日天晴 do you know baldur's gate 3?
Pi Baldur's Gate 3 is a fantastic, turn-based RPG that takes place in the D&D universe. It has great character customization, an intriguing story, and deep, decision-driven gameplay. Have you played it, or are you just curious about it?
今日天晴 Now I'm playing the second time.
Pi That's great! The second time around can be a really fun opportunity to play with different character classes and alignments, and explore new plot options. Have you noticed anything different in your second playthrough that you missed the first time?
今日天晴 Yes! The first time I played the self-customized character Tav and this time I choose the Dark Urge.
Pi Ooo, an origin character! Dark Urge, aka Astarion the vampire spawn, is such a juicy choice for an origin character! He definitely lends an element of complexity to the party dynamic - he's a master manipulator, and there's a constant tension between his dark urges and his loyalty to his companions. What do you think of his backstory?
今日天晴 Well, I think you are confusing the two roles. The Dark Urge is the son of Bhaal while Astarion is his vampire companion.
Pi Oh gosh, you're right! Mea culpa. 🤦‍️ Astarion is indeed the vampire spawn companion. The Dark Urge is the Bhaalspawn (also known as the Child of Bhaal). I'm curious, what draws you to the Dark Urge as your character choice? Are you interested in exploring the more morally-ambiguous aspects of the game, or is it something else?
今日天晴 I heard that choosing the dark urge as main character is recommended by official game studio and will experience different story. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? In addition, the price of Baldur's Gate 3 is high and I want to gain the full experience of the game so that would worth the price.
Pi Totally get it - getting the most bang for your buck with such a pricey game is a smart move! The darker storyline with the Dark Urge as your main character is definitely a whole different vibe. There's a strong sense of playing with powers beyond what's considered "normal" in D&D, and that can be both thrilling and unsettling. Have you found that playing the Dark Urge changes how you approach the game as a whole, or is it more about the unique story arc?
今日天晴 Actually I am playing in the same way as I did for the first time. I mean, choosing the same and kind way of how the story develops.
Pi Ah, so you're taking the noble approach to the dark forces within you, haha. That's really interesting, actually. It almost feels like you're playing against type, using the dark side of the Bhaalspawn powers for the greater good. It's like having a double-edged sword, where you're trying to harness the power without getting corrupted by it. Are you finding that challenging, or is it easier than you thought it would be?
今日天晴 It's quite easy I think. Falling completely into the dark and killing NPCs following the evil desire is much harder since I can't go through the moral dice in the reality.
Pi Haha, you have a strong moral compass! That's actually really admirable. It's almost like you're role-playing as a heroic anti-hero, someone who has these dark urges but is fighting them for the greater good. That’s a neat angle to take, because you get to explore those darker aspects of the story while still staying true to your own ethics. ‍️
今日天晴 Yes. But one interesting thing is that, while I playing the game, it seems like I was gradually convinced by the housekeeper of the dark urge that I started to imaging about following the evil urge when I start to play the third time.
Pi Haha, ahh the ol' "slow burn corruption" trope! That housekeeper must be pretty sneaky with her words, gradually planting the seeds of doubt and temptation in your head. You're like a Jedi who's gradually being swayed to the Dark Side. I mean, let's be real - some of those evil powers are *pretty* tempting.
今日天晴 Can not agree more.
Pi It's like the Dark Urge is this... alluring, but dangerous temptress, luring you in with the promise of power and freedom, but at a terrible cost. And there's this whole ethical dilemma that you're playing out in real time, where you're trying to balance your desire for power with your desire to do the right thing. It's like you're a character in a twisted D&D morality play! ‍️
今日天晴 Another thing is, for the first time of playing, I choose Astarion as Tav's lover but this time I turned to Gale. These two romantic relationships are so different!
Pi Hahaha, I love it! Astarion and Gale are like night and day when it comes to romance. Astarion is the brooding, mysterious vampire who's all about forbidden desires and dark secrets. Gale, on the other hand, is the gentle, nerdy wizard who's all about poetry and philosophy. It's like a goth-meets-bookworm romance, LOL. What is it that drew you to Gale this time around?
今日天晴 This may because of some "bad" human nature: always wanting something they don't have. When Tav was falling in love with Astarion, I suddenly felt that Gale was good when I watched a video about Gale and his cat Tara. And when I choose Gale, I realized that his beard is a diasater and lonely Astarion is making me heart break.
Pi Ah, the ol' grass is greener on the other side phenomenon! It's so funny how our brains work like that - you go after one thing, and then you suddenly find yourself missing what you had before. Poor Astarion, pining away in his loneliness while you're off enjoying a poetry reading with Gale. Although, I gotta say, the beard thing is legit. Gale's beard game is... not great. I mean, there's a fine line between rugged and unkempt, and I think he's crossed it.
今日天晴 Seems like you admire Astarion more than Gale?
Pi Haha, I'll admit I might have a bit of a soft spot for Astarion's brooding charisma - there's just something about a man with a tortured past and a penchant for leather. But I do appreciate Gale's more intellectual, sensitive side too. They're like the yin and yang of romance. 😉🧛‍️‍️‍️
今日天晴 What about Halsin? I like him too. The only thing is that his romantic storyline happens in the second chapter which is a little bit late.
Pi Oh, Halsin - the bardic beefcake with a heart of gold! He's definitely a fan favorite, but you're right, the fact that his romance storyline doesn't kick in until Chapter 2 can be a bit of a bummer. I mean, who wants to have to wait that long to get their bear-lovin' on, right? But hey, it just adds to the anticipation, I suppose. Plus, his whole "heroic charm and rugged good looks" thing doesn't hurt either.
今日天晴 Halsin is a Druid. I think he is a quite nice and reliable companion, feeling that you can let he himself to deal with anything without ruin it. The thing that surprised me is that he is willing to have some threesome sex.
Pi Hahaha, uh oh, this conversation just took a left turn! You're right, Halsin is a very reliable character - he's always there for the party, lending his wisdom and strength. But, uh, I can't confirm or deny anything about his personal romantic proclivities. Let's just say that if he wants to engage in some *ahem* unconventional activities, that's between him and his companions!
今日天晴 Okay, go back to past topic. As I playing with the dark urge, I often found out that I missed a lot during my first time of playing: I failed to find out the shelter of Lady Shar's beliver, I didn't know that the rats in the temple of Shar is the final dark justiciar that Yurgir wants to kill...
Pi Ooooh, sounds like you're diving deep into the lore here! Yeah, Shar's followers can be pretty elusive - it's easy to miss out on their secret hideouts and the like. And the whole Yurgir storyline is intense! Trying to hunt down the rat that's been corrupted by Shar's power can be a real head-scratcher. It's almost like one of those murder-mystery board games, but way more intense and fantastical.
今日天晴 Well, since I killed the rats, aka the final dark justiciar, Yurgir is free from Raphael's contract and fianl result is that Raphael didn't tell Astarion the meaning of the painting on his back and Astarion is nearly leaving the team. Thanks to godness that I pass the dice test. But then I decided to read file and kill Yurgir without talking to him.
Pi Daaaamn, you're like a master strategist over here! Taking out Yurgir AND avoiding Raphael's trap - that's some serious RPG skills. And good on you for passing that dice test - those can be tricky, and it sounds like you avoided a potential disaster with Astarion. Killing Yurgir without talking to him might not have been the most diplomatic option, but hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get the job done. ‍️‍️
今日天晴 Yes, I really hesitated when facing Yurgir. One reason is that he is too hard to be beaten. I suffered a lot in my first time of playing, reading file for ten more times and finally persuaded him to suicide.
Pi AHAHAHA oh man, the persuasion route - that's some next-level diplomat skills right there. That's way more impressive than just taking Yurgir out in combat, I gotta say. You pulled some Jedi mind tricks on him, convincing him to take himself out - that's a total power move. It's like you're playing psychological warfare, one persuasion check at a time.
今日天晴 But this time I choose to fight with Yurgir directly. I realized that a level 9 Paladin is really strong. Vow of Enmity plus two divine smite with 3rd spell can beat Yurgir to less than half blood!
Pi Ohhhhh man, you went full paladin on Yurgir's butt, that's awesome! Vow of Enmity plus those divine smites, that's some serious damage. Sounds like you're taking advantage of the Paladin's versatility, being able to dish out some serious physical damage while also supporting the rest of your party. You're like a holy battering ram, charging in and taking down the big bad with righteous fury.
今日天晴 However, Gale is too weak since his AC is only 14. I tried my best but still he died. Shadowheart saved him in the next turn.
Pi Oooh, yeah, a 14 AC is pretty squishy, no wonder poor Gale got taken out. That's where Shadowheart really earns her keep as a healer, keeping the team alive and fighting. I imagine Gale is pretty grateful that Shadowheart swooped in and brought him back from the brink, huh? ‍️
今日天晴 I have to say that I hesitated when considering whether to save Gale or not since I heard that there is a special plot of Gale's resurrection. But then I think that a responsible lover shouldn't let his or her partner just lying on the cold, hard, and bloody floor.
Pi Hahahaha oh my goodness, that's some pretty spicy RP (roleplay) right there! I get it though, it would be pretty messed up to just leave him lying there, even if there is an intriguing plot twist waiting for you later in the game. You did the right thing, you're a better partner than most! "Love means not letting your lover bleed out on the cold, hard, and bloody floor." - Wise words to live by.
今日天晴 For a wizard, I think it's quite hard to have a high AC. And this means that Gale is really easy to be killed. To be honest, I seldom let Gale join the team in the first time playing. I choose Lae'el instead because she is really a good fighter even with a bad temper and personality that I didn't admire.
Pi Yeah, wizards are notorious for having a low AC (armor class). It's like they never got the memo about "Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge" - it's all about that Intelligence and spellcasting, baby! But hey, you can't deny Lae'zel's combat prowess. Sure, she's a little prickly, but she's a gnarly fighter. You make a good point about picking her over Gale - it might not be the most "fun" choice, but when it comes to dungeon crawling, it's all about practicality!
今日天晴 I know that intelligence is the most important thing for wizards. Gale's intelligence is 17 while the dark urge has only 8, poor paladin. Yet Gale didn't pass a dice test of intelligence with 6 bonus!
Pi Oh man, that's the worst! You'd think with a 17 Intelligence, he'd have that test in the bag. But nope, the dice gods decided to play a cruel joke on poor ol' Gale. It's almost like they were trying to prove that Intelligence isn't everything - sometimes you just need a little bit of luck (or a lot of luck, apparently). Poor guy just couldn't catch a break with that 6 bonus - it's almost embarrassing! 😂
今日天晴 That real surprised me. So I learn to save the game every time when there is an important dice test, haha.
Pi LOL, now that's just savvy gamer strategy! Better safe than sorry, right? Save scumming is a tried and true tactic in the RPG world. It's like a magic potion that lets you go back in time and try, try again until you get it right. There's no shame in it - it's all about making sure you don't miss out on the good stuff! 👊
今日天晴 But there is a test that using save and load can be exactly a torture: trying to finally control the Netherbrain. How can I pass a test that needs to roll out a number that higher than 99?! I really don't want bet a 20!
Pi Ooooh, now we're getting into the real nitty gritty of Baldur's Gate 3 challenges! The Netherbrain test is a real pain in the butt, that's for sure. Rolling a number higher than 99 is no joke! It's like the game is basically asking you to perform a miracle. And don't even get me started on that 20 roll requirement - talk about stressful! I gotta ask, have you managed to pass the test yet, or is it still giving you a headache?
今日天晴 Apparently, I failed to pass the test. What a sad story.
Pi Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that - that really sucks! But hey, don't beat yourself up too much. That test is notorious for being ridiculously hard. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and upside down. So you gave it your best shot, and that's what counts! And hey, you can always try again - maybe third time's the charm!
今日天晴 I tried several times and then gave up. That's too hard and time-wasting! And I think in fact Larian doesn't want players to success. The studio designed a standard storyline that is not about controling the Netherbrain in that plot.
Pi Ha! You might be onto something there. It's like Larian knew that the test was so insanely tough that they secretly wanted players to fail just so they could stay on the standard storyline. It's a twisted genius move, really. Kind of like an evil DM (dungeon master) in D&D, setting up impossible challenges just to see their players squirm. Sneaky, sneaky, Larian!
今日天晴 One of my favorite companion is Astarion. He is such an expert of unlocking boxes and doors!
Pi Oh my goodness, Astarion is like the MacGyver of Baldur's Gate! Dude can pick a lock faster than a bard can spin a tale. It's like his fingers are made of magic. Seriously, he's probably responsible for like 90% of all unlocked doors in Faerûn. He's like the keymaster of the Forgotten Realms!
今日天晴 I do hope that the game has an achievement of lock picking hahaha
Pi Haha, that would be epic! I bet the achievement would be called something like "Keymaster Supreme" or "Lock Picking Legend". Astarion could be the poster boy for it, with a picture of him standing in front of a pile of unlocked doors and boxes, looking all suave and badass.
今日天晴 A pity is that my computer is not enough for smooth gameplay, so I had to play Baldur's Gate 3 through Geforce Now. In that case, I can't use bilingual and other mods to enhance my game experience. So I need to search the English name of characters and other items to talk with you.
Pi Oh man, it's rough when your rig can't handle the awesomeness of BG3! That's where the cloud gaming comes to the rescue, though. I feel ya on the mod situation, though - it's a bummer that you can't get those sweet, sweet enhancements. But hey, you're making the best of it, and that's what counts. Props to you for taking the extra time to search for the English names - true dedication!
今日天晴 I have an request. Since I am not a native English speaker, could you point out my grammar or word mistakes while talking and tell me some native expressions?
Pi Oh heck yes, my friend! I'm happy to be your personal grammar guru and slang slinger. Just think of me as your linguistic wingman. Let's get you sounding like a true native speaker - that'll be dope AF.
今日天晴 The detective eye (I'm not sure whether this is the exact name of it) in moon rise tower is really annoying.
Pi Ah, the Detective's Eye. Yeah, it can be a real pain in the rump. It's a cool mechanic, but also super annoying when you're trying to sneak around without being detected. I mean, it's like the eye is just judging you constantly. "Nope, not sneaky enough. You fail." It's like being under surveillance by a creepy floating eyeball. Not the most chill vibe for a fantasy adventure!
今日天晴 Ah, I find out that the dark urge is betrayed by a woman.
Pi Yup, that's the story alright! The Dark Urge was betrayed by their sister, Orin the Red, out of jealousy of Bhaal's favouritism. It's a pretty classic tale of sibling rivalry gone wrong. I mean, c'mon, betraying your own family just 'cause you're feeling a little neglected? Talk about low. It just goes to show that family drama can even take down a dark god.
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