


今日天晴 Finally, I killed the general again!
Pi BOOM, you went full-on assassin mode and took out the general like a boss! 💥 You are a tactical mastermind, my friend. I'm sure your characters are feeling pretty proud of themselves right now - they just took down a big baddie. 💪 Now you can bask in the glory of your victory and plot your next move.
今日天晴 Actually I don't think it's hard to do so, especially when there is a paladin with his divine smite, haha. The first stage is quite easy, and the second stage can be passed by persuading him. For the final boss, still two 3rd spell divine smites are useful. Astarion did a good job by using arrows designed to kill the undead creature. The big fire ball made by Gale kill a group of enemies too.
Pi Ha, talk about a dream team! Sounds like you've got the perfect balance of holy wrath, silver-tongued charm, and explosive power. Astarion being a wickedly accurate sharpshooter with undead-busting arrows is just icing on the cake. And Gale with his fireball - classic wizard move right there. I bet the general never saw it coming, BAM! You guys are like the Avengers of Faerûn - supernatural, super-efficient, and totally awesome! 🎇
今日天晴 I also picked up many items from enemies and made a lot of money!
Pi Oh, the loot! 💰 The spoils of war - gotta love it. Sounds like you're raking in the cash like a dragon hoarding gold. I bet your inventory is looking mighty fine right about now - all those enchanted weapons, rare potions, and powerful artifacts. Now all you need is a tricked-out manor or castle to store all your goodies and you'll be living the high life.
今日天晴 Then the housekeeper of the dark urge came in the night, trying to persuade the dark urge to kill his lover since he didn't kill the priest who protect the hotel.
Pi Oh snap, the plot thickens! So the housekeeper of the Dark Urge basically tried to manipulate the Urge to commit more violence, by using the fact that they didn't kill the priest as a guilt trip. That's some shady stuff right there. It's like the housekeeper is trying to turn the Urge into some sort of assassin for hire. I'm starting to get some serious "evil overlord" vibes from this whole situation.
今日天晴 You are absolutely right. I found some documents under the moon rise tower, confirming that the dark urge is the child of Bhaal and the former conspirator who designed the whole evil plan with the chosen three one (one of them is the general).
Pi Whaaaaat?! This is getting juicy! It's all starting to come together - Bhaal, the evil overlord, the chosen three, the housekeeper, and the general - it's like a recipe for disaster. And the Dark Urge, poor thing, stuck in the middle of all this insanity. It's like a twisted version of "The Godfather", except with more dark magic and less fancy suits. 🔮
今日天晴 But the dark urge who didn't lost his memory is surely enjoying the whole process. He once planned to killed the other two companions after they control the Netherbrain and then destroy the whole world for his god, Bhaal. But before that happens, Orin betrayed him when he came to moon rise tower for something unknow. I think the General acquiesce to this and Gortash must also know something about this betrayal.
Pi Holy plot twists, Batman! So the Dark Urge was basically a willing accomplice in this whole evil plan, and Orin turning on him was a major plot twist. And the General just went along with it, like "oh well, betrayal is all in a day's work." As for Gortash, I have to imagine he's got some dirt on all these characters, like the ultimate insider. It's like a crazy web of deception and power plays, all leading up to the destruction of the world.
今日天晴 Still the true story is behind the shadow. Act 3 will tell me more about it.
Pi Oooh, Act 3 is gonna be the real deal, the culmination of all the drama and backstabbing. I'm sensing some epic battles, betrayals, and revelations. The Dark Urge's true intentions will finally be revealed, and the stakes will be sky-high. Will the other companions be able to stop the Urge before the world is destroyed? This story is getting more intense than a summer blockbuster movie!
今日天晴 Okay, back to the night that the dark urge is being persuade to kill his lover.
Pi Oh man, the tension is palpable. The Dark Urge is literally standing at a crossroads, with the fate of the world and his relationship hanging in the balance. On one hand, he could follow through with the plan to destroy everything and potentially lose the one person he cares about. On the other hand, he could refuse and potentially save the world, but risk losing the support of the other characters. The pressure is insane! What do you think the Dark Urge will choose?
今日天晴 Well, I not the person who will kill his or her lover when she or he is complete innocent. So, I let dark urge to wake us his lover, Gale, and tell him everything about the evil impulse inside dark urge's body.
Pi Ooh, a wise decision! That takes a lot of emotional maturity and self-awareness to do. I think that's probably the most healthy and ethical decision the Dark Urge could make. I mean, nobody wants to be controlled by some evil impulse inside them, right? By confiding in Gale, the Dark Urge is showing that he wants to overcome that darkness and build something meaningful with someone he cares about. That's pretty admirable. ️‍
今日天晴 But this is still a hard process because the dark urge lost his own mind and his body was taken controled by the evil impulse.
Pi That's true, it's definitely not going to be easy. The Dark Urge is dealing with some serious internal conflict, and it's not something that can be fixed overnight. I'm guessing that with Gale's support, the Dark Urge can work through that conflict and figure out how to regain control of himself. But that kind of self-reflection and growth takes time and effort. It's kind of like battling your own demons, you know?
今日天晴 Exactly.
Pi It's like he's going on a metaphorical hero's journey. The Dark Urge has to slay the dragon (i.e., the evil impulse) and come out victorious, stronger and more self-aware than ever before. It might not be a physical battle, but it's definitely a psychological one. And I gotta say, the Dark Urge is pretty badass for taking on such a difficult inner journey. 👊
今日天晴 And he had to say thanks to Gale. Gale wasn't kill just because he used a study rope to trap dark urge and accompanied and comfort dark urge for the whole night.
Pi Absolutely, Gale is a true ride-or-die companion. He's got some mad survival skills with that rope trap, but even more importantly, he's providing emotional support and comfort. That's what real friends do - they don't just help you out in a crisis, they stick with you through the tough times. They're your emotional armor. Gale is basically the spiritual wingman in this situation.
今日天晴 And personally, I think this kind of emotional support is what Astarion can't give to the dark urge. How can you request a person who himself is drown in desperate and sorrow to comfort others?
Pi You make a really good point there. Astarion has his own demons to deal with, and it's probably not a great idea to expect him to be the emotional anchor for the Dark Urge. He's not equipped for that role, and it's not fair to him either. That kind of burden can weigh down even the toughest of characters. Astarion is probably better suited to provide some snarky commentary and maybe a backstab or two to help out in a fight.
今日天晴 So I think, Tav's love, or you can say my love for Astarion actually includes sympathy or mercy, not as pure as that for Gale.
Pi You're onto something there. The love for Astarion definitely has a different flavor to it, if you will. It's a deeper, more nuanced kind of love. You see the struggle and the pain that Astarion is dealing with, and you want to support him through that. It's a mixture of compassion and affection. It's not just rainbows and butterflies, it's more of a gritty, complicated, real kind of love. ‍️
今日天晴 I have killed Minthara twice when playing BG3 for the first and second time since I don't want to kill Tiefilings. But someone said that she can be a member of the team as long as you don
Pi Yes, you're right! Minthara can join your party as a companion, but only if you're on the evil path in the game. It's actually a pretty complex and nuanced process to recruit her. You need to do a specific set of quests, and make some very specific choices during those quests, in order to get her to join your team. It's not just a simple "I want you to join me" dialogue option - it requires some careful planning and roleplaying to get her on board. Have you tried to recruit her before, or are you just curious about the process?
今日天晴 as long as you don't care what happens between Tiefilings and Goblins
Pi Yep, that's pretty much it. Minthara is the leader of the goblin camp, so she's definitely on the side of the goblins. If you want her to join your party, you have to play the game in a way that aligns with her values and goals. That means letting the goblins have their way in certain situations and basically sacrificing the well-being of the Tieflings. It's a morally questionable choice, but it's one of the many difficult decisions you have to make in Baldur's Gate 3.
今日天晴 So I am considering to skip the part of Tieflings and Gorblins' story in the third time of playing. But the cost is that I will miss a lot of plots and also experience points.
Pi Yeah, that's definitely the trade-off. By skipping that questline, you'd miss out on some interesting story arcs and probably some XP as well. But it's understandable if you don't feel comfortable with the moral dilemmas involved in that quest. And there are plenty of other quests and story arcs in Baldur's Gate 3 that you can still enjoy and gain XP from. There's no right or wrong way to play the game - it's all about the choices you make and how you want to experience the world of Faerûn.
今日天晴 But missing so much XP will make battles more difficult
Pi That's true, it could make combat a little bit more challenging. But you can still grind some XP in other ways, like fighting random encounters or completing side quests. And don't forget about leveling up your characters' skills and abilities as well. A well-built character can still kick butt even without the XP from the Tiefling/Goblin questline. It's like building a strong foundation to support your party during battles - it's just as important as XP. Plus, it can be pretty satisfying to strategize and optimize your characters' abilities.
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